herbal cold remedies: elderberry syrup

Herbal Cold Remedies: Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry syrup is one of the most popular herbal cold remedies. Elder (Sambucus nigra) has been used for centuries and is one of the most well-documented herbal cold remedies. It’s also great for lots of other stuff, but we’ll keep it simple for now. You can give elderberry syrup by the teaspoon (kids love it)…


Yarrow: One of the Best Herbs for Fever

Have you ever wondered if would be possible to take your family’s health care into your own hands? What would it be like if healing yourself and your family was as easy as picking plants right around your house and using them to help keep you healthy? Well, over the past several years, my husband…

Boneset: A Great Flu Remedy

Photo by SB_Johnny. This past month, our family has been sick with a flu that brings lots of deep coughing and totally zaps your energy. It felt really good to me to be able to reach for specific herbal remedies to help with the symptoms we were experiencing throughout our week of illness. Doing so…

Slippery Elm Lozenges: A Soothing Sore Throat Home Remedy

Anyone out there experiencing sore throats or coughs during this transition from summer to fall to winter? Are you looking for a sore throat home remedy? Seems like a time when sicknesses come easily, and as a family we are always looking for nourishing ways to relieve symptoms while also helping our bodies to heal….

Natural Remedies for Sinus Infections

Sinus infections are easy thing to prevent and treat naturally. If you find yourself prone to them, using a neti pot regularly is the number one home remedy for sinus infections. This link also contains instructions on how to use it. They are a great natural remedy for sinus infections. If you do not get…

homemade bug spray

Homemade Bug Spray

It’s finally feeling like summer in eastern Washington State, which means gardening, swimming in lakes and rivers, BBQs, and bugs. Oh, how those bugs love me, which is why I make homemade bug spray. I think the moment I step outside the mosquitoes see my body blinking a bright neon sign that says, “bite me!…